1 Continent, 10 Countries, 4000+ km self supported with a legendary destination, the Arctic Circle!

This is the NorthCape4000, the Most Participated Ultracycling Bike Adventure in the World.

I pedaled 2,805.31 miles with 110,014 feet of climbing through 10 countries over a period of 22 days. The event started on July 22 in Turin and I finished in Nordkapp, Norway on August 12.

The event is an organized ride that is completely unsupported that follows a fixed route via GPS. I spent most nights camping in my tent and a few nights in hotels to dry out or get recharged. I typically rode 100 to 150 miles per day. You had to complete the ride to Nordkapp in 25 days or less and I did that part in 21 days and 8 hours and 42 minutes. There were 4 gates for check points:

  • Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Paris, France
  • Oslo, Norway
  • Gallivare (Lapland), Norway
  • Finish at Nordkapp, Norway – Artic Circle -71.1695 degrees North

The North Cape 4000 was quite the challenge and an truly an adventure of a lifetime. The people along the way were so amazing and helpful. Complete strangers helped me in so many ways. I had never done any ultra endurance events before so this was a first. I just took it one day at a time, day by day, trying to hit my mile targets and stay on course.

I rode a Moots Routt RSL built by Ebby Norman at Pro-Velo, Sedalia and local support or gear used included Moots, Ski Haus Bike shop, Big Agnes, Honey Stinger, Point 6. I trained this winter at Old Town Hot Springs with the Stages classes with Wolf, Joann Orce and Chuck O’Connor. I trained with CTS Coach Max Shute for the bulk of my preride training.

My physical conditioning worked out great. It was more the weather conditions (lots of rain) and managing calories when riding multiple days with no access to groceries or hot food. Long days on the bike were made even better by the beautiful evenings and as I got further north, daylight hours past midnight. Riding to the North Cape was life changing. I can’t wait to go back.

This blog provides a day by day account of my ride. Enjoy!

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